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06.12.2024, Determining the age of the pyramids of Tenerife

Help us to unravel the secrets of the step pyramids in the Canary Islands! [mehr]

01.11.2024, Polarity of knowledge – First film after cartography conference

The ability to communicate an idea is just as important as the idea itself. That is why science is not about money, but about passion.[mehr]

22.10.2024, Cartography congress was a real highlight

ABORA and Nuoviso invited people to the third joint congress in the Pfännerhall. [mehr]

11.09.2024, second congresss 2024 in Braunsbedra

Explorers of prehistoric times - News from early seafaring and cartography [mehr]

11.09.2024, My friend Thor Heyerdahl Jr. died in Norway

The son of Thor and former president of the KON TIKI Museum Oslo died in Norway last Friday. [mehr]

11.09.2024, Italians have been using coca leaves since at least the 17th century

Indigenous communities in the western regions of South America have been using coca leaves for both medicinal and recreational purposes for thousands [mehr]

08.08.2024, ABORA special exhibition in Hoheneck is taking shape

As the saying goes: “Good things come to those who wait.” This also seems to be the case in the “Areal Stalburc-Hoheneck” [mehr]

15.07.2024, The world of sky disks

In the Pfännerhall central workshop in Braunsbedra on Lake Geiseltal, an exhibition has been installed that is unique in Europe[mehr]

05.07.2024, Memories of Independence Day 2007 with ABORA III in New York

Yesterday the Americans celebrated their most important national holiday: The Independence Day. Even though 17 years have passed since we took part in[mehr]

24.06.2024, The solution to a major sailing puzzle 30 years ago

On June 24th, 1994 - exactly 30 years ago - the DILMUN III took part in the 100th Kiel Week in the Schilksee Olympic Harbor near Kiel.[mehr]

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